Published On: Maggio 9, 2024Categories: Legal125 words0,7 min read

Adequacy for private property renovations

Fines of up to 5 thousand euros for private individuals with illegal workers
News regarding the adequacy of manpower for construction work.
After the restrictions introduced in 2021 and the further provisions of the PNRR Law, the “Cohesion Decree” (Decreto Coesione) has now provided for a crackdown regarding the undeclared workers in building renovations.
For the private property renovations – and in particular for those interventions of minimum Euros 70.000 – the homeowners who turn into irregular builder companies risk a fine ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 euros.
The Client (home owner) must verify that the builder company is regular or that it has regularized the illegal positions of the workers.
Homeowners must therefore request/receive a certificate of adequacy from the builder before the final payment of the works.

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