
Clemente Law Firm, provides specialized and independent legal services in property law and real estate investment in Italy at your earliest convenience.


Clemente Law Firm, provides specialized and independent legal services in property law and real estate investment in Italy at your earliest convenience.

Clemente Law Firm

The Italian Property Lawyer

We provide flexible and above all understandable advice and assistance which helps our clients achieve and exceed their goals.

Please feel free to contact us for a FREE preliminary consultation in order to discuss your Case and learn more about our services.

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Expert Articles on buying, selling, renting and renovating property in Italy.

  • Published On: Maggio 17, 2023

    Power of Attorney (Procura) is a legal document allowing the “principal” to bestow certain powers/faculties to the “Attorney/Proxy”,   to act on the principal’s behalf. This document states exactly the powers and the limits the principal gives to the attorney; when granted for specific tasks and limited powers for the Attorney this instrument [...]

  • Published On: Maggio 17, 2023

    Entering into a real estate renovation/building agreement might be an unpleasant experience for those who are not properly informed about the legal implications (Rights and Obligations) referable to each contractual part. Whether there are issues with incorrect execution of works, deviations from the agreed project or presence of defective materials, a professionally [...]

  • Published On: Maggio 17, 2023

    When it comes to buy property in Italy Legal Due Diligence represents the necessary and very first initial step to do in order to avoid unpleasant surprises before any offer to purchase is placed in. Hiring the service of a trustworthy Italian Lawyer providing independent legal advises is certainly the [...]