Clemente Law Firm provides international clients with independent legal advice.
Clemente Law Firm provides international clients with independent legal advice.
Here below you can find our detailed articles about about everything Property Law and Real estate investment in Italy with the goal of helping you approaching the property purchase confidentially.
Italy can request withholding taxes on short-term rentals. This was stated by the EU Court which (partially) agreed with the Italian State deeming the law on short-term rentals introduced in 2017 to be legitimate. The European Court of [...]
Short-Term Rentals: When does it become a Business Activity?
The short-term rental regime was introduced into our legal system with Legislative Decree no. 50 of 24 April 2017, in article 4. This is a particular form of tax regime dedicated to the rental of [...]
Off-Plan Property In Italy: All Advantages And 2019 News
In the past, the purchase of off-plan properties in Italy was regulated by the Legislative Decree of 20 June 2005, no. 122, while today this field is governed by the Legislative Decree 14/2019. This latter has [...]
Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney (Procura) is a legal document allowing the “principal” to bestow certain powers/faculties to the “Attorney/Proxy”, to act on the principal’s behalf. This document states exactly the powers and the limits the principal gives to [...]
Building Agreement
Entering into a real estate renovation/building agreement might be an unpleasant experience for those who are not properly informed about the legal implications (Rights and Obligations) referable to each contractual part. Whether there are issues with [...]
Legal Due Diligence
When it comes to buy property in Italy Legal Due Diligence represents the necessary and very first initial step to do in order to avoid unpleasant surprises before any offer to purchase is placed in. [...]